Running Games on the Blockchain

4 minute read


The year is 2019, and one of the computer science memes that refuses to die is the blockchain. People in my lab use “but what if we put it on the blockchain” as some sort of sick joke. However, IBM’s recent work Hyperledger Fabric presents a “distributed operating system for blockchain applications.” An operating system you say? Let’s see if there is some truth to this meme by implementing Pong on the blockchain.

Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is an exciting new work from IBM that separate the blockchain from the application. In traditional blockchain applications, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., the blockchain and application are one monolithic unit. Hyperledger Fabric (simply Fabric from here on), aims to solve this by segregating the application from the blockchain, and further breaking the blockchain into modular, pluggable components.


Two paddles, one ball (square?).

The Code

Fabric has several tutorials available at This project is based off of the FabCar example. The chaincode (smart contract) and application code provide a foundation for easily slapping together a simple key-value store for the game state.

Trouble Shooting

The first thing to make sure is that the blockchain is optimized for latency and not throughput. This means reducing the amount of transactions per block to one to eliminate the latency of compiling a block. This option can be set in the network’s configtx.yaml file under the BlockSize options.

After playing with these settings, I realized that the options don’t seem to have an effect on the latency. By default, and with lower (and higher) values for block size and block timeout, the transaction to update the game state (move a paddle) processes in around two seconds. To find the source of the error, without getting into (too much) source code, I need the logs.


The system is run in docker containers. The output from the services (containerized apps) can be inspected with

docker logs -f <container>

The -f option means to “follow” the output, i.e. don’t print and quit.

Initially, the logging output by the containers is not terribly useful. In the orderer, I get no such output per transaction. This is a problem, because the limited output from the peer (validator) indicates the latency is coming from the orderer.

Peer Log Default

We can enhance the logging output from the orderer and peer by setting the FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC environment variable via the docker-compose.yml file.

Two hours later…

After fiddling around with the parameters for a while, I was getting nowhere. The rate of transactions wasn’t changing and the logging output was stuck at it’s default level. Then, I did what should have been my first step and read the README.txt in the basic-network directory. For changes to affect the network, I had to several components, incuding the configuration block for the channel.

Once I did this, my configuration changes took effect and I was getting fast transactions (fast enough for a game)! By simply changing the block configuration, I could achieve updates every 50ms, or 20 fps. Granted, this is slow for a game, but for pong it may be usable.

Peer Log New1

The code for the project can be found at The changes can be found in three places. First, the basic-network configurations were changed to reduce the maximum block size to 1. Second, the chaincode (chaincode/fabcar/javascript/lib/fabcar.js) was edited to offer properly named transactions for the game. Third, the client application (fabcar/javascript/) was editied to make use of the new chaincode.

The Inspiration

This game was meant as a way for me to play around with hyperledger, develop an application, configure a network, and learn the architecture. After starting this project, I also discovered StreamChain from the same team behind Hyperledger Fabric. They make more optimizations, but the core idea is the same, favor latency over throughput.


With the advent of popular permission-based blockchains and a wider variety of deployment cases, there is a push to centralize a technology that was once imagined to be the solution to a decentralized problem. However, the consensus problem is not a new one; the use cases for a consensus system have a larger scope than anonymous banking (and don’t incur as many costs!). Hyperledger Fabric represents and interesting point in the design space which favors flexibility and configuration of rigitity. Crucially, we can exploit this configurability to implement an application which achieves consensus while optimizing for latency. In the end, I created a toy project to show how one might realize a latency-optimized application.